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Gamma-ray burst 13.1 billion light years away - New gamma-ray burst smashes cosmic distance record | Redshift live

Gamma-ray burst 13.1 billion light years away "More about gamma-ray bursts" © NASA/Swift/Stefan Immler This image merges data from Swift's Ultraviolet/Optical (blue, green) and X-Ray (orange, red) telescopes. No visible light accompanied the burst, ... more

Gamma-ray burst 13.1 billion light years away - New gamma-ray burst smashes cosmic distance record | Redshift live

Gamma-ray burst 13.1 billion light years away New gamma-ray burst smashes cosmic distance record ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known ... more

The future of the Milky Way Whither goes

The future of the Milky Way Whither goest thou, Milky Way? As the young god Heracles forcefully suckled the breast of the Greek goddess Hera, she pushed him away and a spurt of her breast milk spilled across the sky. The name of our home galaxy, which ... more

Astronomy Software

Solar Eclipse by Redshift

Solar Eclipse by Redshift for iOS

Observe, understand, and marvel at the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017! » more

Solar Eclipse by Redshift

Solar Eclipse by Redshift for Android

Observe, understand, and marvel at the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017! » more